Your car’s electrical system is intricate and complex. Each vehicle has numerous wires and cables, with newer cars consisting of increasingly larger, more detailed electrical systems. When something goes wrong with the electrical system in your car, a number of problems can occur. From annoying minor issues to the inability to start your car, properly maintaining your car’s electrical system is crucial for driver comfort and safety.

There are many things that can go wrong in your car’s electrical system to warrant an auto electrical repair from the mechanic. Here are 5 of the most common electrical problems for cars:


Dead or Weakened Battery

If you find that turning the ignition key doesn’t end up starting your car, a dead battery may be to blame. Without a working battery, there’s nothing to jolt your car to life. Some additional indicators of a dead car battery include the dome light not coming on when you open the door, the headlights and radio won’t work, and the engine won’t start in the morning, but is fine later in the day.


Blown Fuses

Although blown fuses are typically thought of as minor problems, getting them repaired is important. A blown fuse can cause your car to not function properly, including the inability to use turn signals, the radio, and climate control features. The windshield wipers and car accessories (such as phone chargers) may also stop working due to an electrical shortage or blown fuse.


Bad Spark Plugs or Wires

Spark plugs are necessary in order to ignite the combustion chamber of your car to get it started. It is recommended that car owners replace their spark plugs every 30-60,000 miles, or when symptoms arise. Signs of faulty spark plugs include slow acceleration, poor fuel economy, and difficulty starting your vehicle.


Bad Alternator

Your car’s alternator is one of the most important aspects of the electrical system. It effectively recycles the energy used by the car battery as the car is driven, restoring the lost energy and keeping the battery in good condition. If you notice any odd smells or noises, dim lights, or a weakened battery, it’s probably time to invest in a new alternator.


A Weird Smell

If you smell an unusual odor when you drive your car, make sure to check it out immediately. The smell of melting plastic or electrical insulation are telltale signs that an electrical malfunction or short circuit may have occurred. Avoid driving your vehicle if you do smell anything strange to keep your car from further damage.

Our expert car mechanics at Huletz Auto Electric specialize in auto repairs, electrical included. Whether your car is in need of a diagnostic test or a battery replacement, our team will work alongside you to address any and all of your car’s issues. Since our establishment in 1937, we’ve worked our hardest to provide the best service possible to customers in Seattle and the surrounding areas, all at an affordable price. To request a free estimate, give us a call today at 206-352-2510, or fill out our online contact form. No matter what repairs are needed, you can count on us to get the job done right!

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Seattle WA 98134
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(206) 352-2510


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Sunday Closed

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